What We are All About

What We Do

Our mandate is to play a significant role in the overall development assistance in Ethiopia and South Sudan. Encompassed in the Sustainable Development Goals they include:

  • Strengthening capacities of communities for self-reliance.
  • Economic and social development of vulnerable children, youth and women.
  • Responding to community needs during emergencies recovery and development.
  • Engaging key stakeholders at all levels in policy formulation, implementation  and advocacy.
  • Addressing discrimination and violence in all its forms against women, children and men.
  • Pursuing our mission with integrity, excellence and compassion in service delivery.

Practical activities of The Foundation will be:

1. Build on local capacities and resilience of the inhabitants; -provide transparency and accountability for the activities of the foundation.

  • To construct a medical clinic
  • To give refresher courses to health workers in the community
  • Promote education for girls to prevent young child marriages
  • support unaccompanied and separated children, orphans and participate in overall child protection
  • To collect and distribute clothing and foodstuffs to those who cannot provide for themselves
  • Enable farmers to grow and produce local food to overcome the food crisis.
  • Build toilet and latrines to improve sanitary facilities and promote good hygiene

2. organizing events, activities and/or meetings

  • Providing information about the activities of the foundation, among other things by making use of the various available forms of media.
  • Collaborating with various relevant organizations and settings.
  • Providing advice and/or guidance.
  • Doing or having performed all further acts, which the foregoing in the broadest sense is related or to the opinion of its board is conducive to this, useful and/or may be desired.

3. The foundation’s activities are financed by:

  • Income arising from the funds developed by the foundation activities.
  • Grants and/or fundraising and/or crowdfunding.
  • Donations, sponsorships, and gifts.
  • Gifts, heirlooms, legacies, and benefits.
  • Revenues from the assets.
  • All other contributions and income.
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